Tuesday 27 May 2008

Excitement mounts - countdown begins!

Well, the excitement is mounting. The team is making frantic last minute arrangements - mostly along the lines of: what pub shall we meet at? will I have enough time to make the train? will I find everyone else? how will we know each other? will the bar car on the sleeper train be able to cope?

So, we'll all be wearing red carnations and hanging around Euston looking lost and dubious come Friday evening!

I am only joking of course - under Steve's watchful, organisational eye we all have all the details we need. We know where to meet and when and how we'll spot one another. In fact, it feels as if we know each other already so my guess is we'll make a great team.

I have it on good authority (Bev de V) that whales and dolphins have been seen aplenty in the Moray Firth over the last week or so, Pine saw 2 minke whales and about 20 dolphins up there a couple of weeks ago. So let's hope they're hanging around for us!

Looking forward to meeting everyone and starting our crazy celtic cetaceous caper!


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