Friday 6 June 2008


The silence on this blog over the past few days is testament to the overwhelming amount of adventures that we have all had. Sleep is something that we have left at home. The action is constant: zipping each other into dry suits; carrying boxes backwards and forwards from jeep to boat; learning about outboard engines; washing up; trying to remember every wild flower's name; filling in sighting logs; making sandwiches; listening to the Chillies - again; swimming in the North sea (only 3 of us...); playing stupid games with brooms; writing up data; hosing down team mates; walking on the top of Troup Head, delighting in the vertigo; taking pictures of sunsets; laying about on harbour walls exhausted; learning fin identification; walking from number 2 to 28; playing pool; drinking a little bit.

Oh, and seeing Minke whales lunching; smelling Minke fart - a potential WMD; spying bird rafts from land and pursuing them on the water; bobbing in the water waiting for the seals to resurface to check us out; having indescribable sea birds chatter and clamour above us; watching Gannets line themselves in neat rows on Troup Head; scanning the horizon for another blow; trying to remember every seabird name that Kev shouts out as he bangs the boat over towering waves; delighting as a ball of sand eels surface and flick silver in the sun like fireworks...

But mostly, crying with laughter and wonder.

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