Sunday 1 June 2008

Amber's UFO... Day One

Well, after our long journey up the length of the country and our hard day spent in Aberdeen, we finally arrived in Gardenstown. We were greeted with a warm welcome from the CRRU team, show our houses for the week and invited along to the main house for beer & BBQ. It was a lovely evening and I was amazed by how late the sun stays this far north, I think the sun was up until about 10.15 so we had plenty of time to socialise and get to know each other. We didn't do too much exploring of the town on this first night, just enjoyed each other's company and watched the beautiful sunset.

Then, after the sun set, strange things began to happen. We had seen jellyfish earlier on the beach but it appeared that these were not the only ones in the area. Imagine our amazement when we spotted the following hovering in the sky over the nearby headland:

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? No - we came to the only sensible conclusion. This is an alien UFO jellyfish craft. Photographic evidence! What a fantastic first sighting! We have our fingers crossed for many more.


Anonymous said...

I come to the conclusion that this is a very ugly ceiling light superimposed over some stock art!

Anonymous said...

Well... maybe not stock art but two photos, none the less